A portable Meridian Detector has been designed on the basis of the traditional Chinese meridian theory and incorporated with advanced electronic equipment. The detector collects the information reflected by the electric current applied to human acupoints (i.e. electric current stimulation) and displays or prints accurately the health condition of human being after treatment by the microprocessor. Meridian Detector --- a new kind of medical care equipment was developed after years of extensive clinical validation, screening, and compatibility according to traditional Chinese medicine and it opened up a natural therapies precedent. Every living human cells may be a comprehensive record of a certain stage of the people, there are indeed affect the human body as a whole dynamic adjustment mechanism. The Meridian Detector uses the latest pain-free detection technology to detect the body parts of the state of health based on the theoretical basis of human meridians. Learning traditional Chinese medicine generally takes five years time, but only costs a half-day with the equipment today. The tester features convenient and instant use for easy marketing, even the blind can operate.
The first step: the preparation
Preparation prior to use:
1. small pushes to open the battery cover;
2. load 4 AA batteries, pay attention to positive and negative positions;
3. fasten the battery lid.
Note: Please check the battery capacity. The indicator light will look dark if the capacity is insufficient, you are required to replace the battery.
Electrode paste film preparations:
1. Rip off the surface protective bar of the electrode paste film slightly and put it away;
2. Paste back the surface protective bar to the electrode film after used
Preparations before detection:
1. Plug the power cord into the corresponding "power" hole, put 4 AA batteries in the battery box or use 6 volts 100 milliamperes transformers, switch "ON" position on the back of the battery box while health indicators lights up.
2. Push the electrode wire plug into the "detector output" hole of the host. The electrode lines are two sub-end of a thread, one plugs electrode paste film, the other inserts probe pen. Open the detector switch and rotates the switch from small to large, gradually increase.
3. Measure the left hand for men and women the right hand as the benchmark test when use the probe pen to detect. The electrode paste film is attached to the tested person's wrist on the other hand. If the weather is cold, it can be attached to the Dazhui acupoint (the most protruding parts on the spine when lower the head shall be Dazhui acupoint) for the age of 45 years old or above and the weak physical persons.
The second step: how to determine the baseline
1 What is the base sound
The device will sound clearly one time when use the probe pen to move on the Shaoshang acupoint (the middle of the thumb). The sound is just the benchmark sound and reference sound. When the detection sound is larger than the base sound, means disease symptom; smaller than the base sound, means sub-health state; no sound on behalf of the area as a healthy state. Larger sound should be further confirmed through medical means.
2 How to find the base sound
Open the detection switch, move the probe pen's tip on the Shaoshang acupoint gently from small to large rotation detection switch, when the detector indicator light starts flashing together with intermittent sound, the "benchmark" is just found, (when the instrument was first issued the call and crisp sound, while the detector indicator light starts flashing, you find the "benchmark" ).
The third step: start detecting